Saturday, October 31, 2009 useful if... have a relatively normal financial situation, and are situated in the US. The website takes into account your bank balances, budget estimates, loans, assets (car, house, stocks, etc.) to provide user-friendly displays on one's personal finances. I suppose it'd be quite a useful tool. Unfortunately, I only have one bank account in the states, its sole purpose being to pay off my student loans. I haven't had a credit card for the past three or four years and don't plan on having one in the foreseeable future. My salary here in China is direct-deposited to one of my two China-side bank accounts--and the "Industrial and Commercial Bank of China" doesn't seem to be listed in's extensive list of financial institutions it can take into account for calculations. My salary is in RMB, also known as Chinese Yuan, so trying to compare APY is difficult if not useless over a period of time: the vaster proportion of my money is helplessly tied to exchange rates which may fluctuate based on political decisions in Beijing; it's also subject to Chinese government rules that do not allow foreigners to exchange RMB for foreign currency in a normal manner. Luckily, I have Kiera to help me, or I'd have to rely on the 'official' black market dealers for this service. While at least the value of my RMB holdings are not rapidly depreciating, as they would if my eventual intentions were to transfer into Euros, Pounds, or any number of other major currencies, this does still hamper me greatly in my attempts to keep track of my finances. For those of you not currently enjoying foreign financial entanglements, however, I'd recommend the service provided by Mint (a nice pun on both the money-making word and their website's color scheme). Budgeting 2.0 can be an empowering experience.

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